Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Strange Case Of M. K. Jessup

The mystery of "The Case For The UFO" is undoubtedly one of the strangest in the annals of UFO research.  Morris Ketchum Jessup, the author "The Case For The UFO", committed suicide on April 20, 1959, after being despondent for a period of time.  For many years, the annotated VARO edition of this book, was much sought after as a collector's item, by UFO enthusiasts.  It appears that after its initial publication, some strange annotations were made on it, and it was then mailed to an office of U.S. Naval Research, where it generated a lot of interest. The Philadelphia Experiment is also inextricably tied to "The Case For The UFO".  By the request of the Navy, the VARO Manufacturing Company, in Garland, Texas, printed a special version of "The Case For The UFO", that contained the strange annotations.  Only a few copies were printed.  Gray Barker of the Saucerian Press, was able to obtain one of these copies, and he published it in 1963. 

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