Wednesday, November 21, 2012

St. Tarcisius

St. Tarcisius is an early martyr of the Roman Catholic Church.  Twelve-year old Tarcisius was bringing the Holy Eucharist to some  Christian prisoners who were condemned to be executed by the Romans.  On his way there, he was confronted by a gang of boys who demanded to see what he was carrying.  When he refused to show them the Blessed Sacrament, they brutally attacked and murdered him.

The icon of
Tarcisius that is pictured above this post was made for me by Father Mark N. Matson, who is a member of the Papal Order of priests known as The Theatine Fathers.  They were formed in 1524 by St. Cajetan, for the expressed purpose of counteracting the Protestant Reformation, and were major players in the Counter Reformation efforts by the Roman Catholic Church.  The Theatine Fathers today have less than 200 members worldwide.

The icon was created by Father Matson while he was under extreme duress and is an incredible work of art.  It is a mosaic made completely by hand, without the aid of a scissors or other implements. It consits entirely of strips of paper that Father Matson tore out from magazines, and glued together with a paste made of rice.  Father Matson will be sixty-five years old on November 25, 2012.  Please pray for Father Matson.

Safe journeys to all the fans of Endyr, wherever you may be.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jon Tumilson and Hawkeye

Jon Tumilson was a Navy Seal who died in the line of duty during a mission in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011.  Hawkeye was Jon's dog.  It is very touching that during the funeral service for Jon, Hawkeye laid down, without being coached, in front of Jon's casket.  Hawkeye showed a loyalty that was supernatural, that continued even after Jon Tumilson's untimely death.  The video below says it all.  My deepest condolences go out to Jon Tumilson's family and friends.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Father Malachi Martin Speaks About The Third Secret Of Fatima

The late Father Malachi Martin was privy to the "Third Secret Of Fatima".  It was shown to him by the late Jesuit Cardinal, Augustin Bea.  Father Malachi Martin was Bea's personal assistant.  "The Third Secret Of Fatima" was described by Father Malachi as being "...your worst nightmare, multiplied exponentially."  Please click on the video widget below to hear Father Malachi Martin speak about "The Third Secret Of Fatima".